Manic Monday #1: Unprofessionalism

Monday, June 15, 2015

You hit your snooze alarm 3 times before you roll our of bed. You drag yourself to the kitchen, turn on the coffee machine and make your way to the shower. Before you know it, you're all clean and awake. You head to the kitchen, prepare your coffee just how you like. May grab one of your homemade morning glory muffins? Scrambling around the house, you find the perfect suit and heels. Something that screams, "Hire Me!" But you are not just anyone; you print out your resume on special paper, write notes about the company, research your possible interviewer and look up recent articles to get a feel for what's happening in the industry. Making your way to the subway, you get the perfect seat. You grab your phone and blast some tunes to pump you up for the interview that you've been waiting for. Getting off at the stop, you turn on Google Maps making sure you got the address right and walk to your destination. Walking to the office building, sometimes you have to show your ID, maybe not. Either way, you go the elevator, make your way through those doors. And might I say 15 minutes early. Bam! You did it. How can you not be the happiest person in the world? You got it all right! You sit and wait. You have paperwork you have to fill out or they appreciate you coming early. You are ready to be interviewed.

That's the perfect scenario.

It doesn't always happen that way. 

Please employers, just hear me out. Professionalism is a two-way street. It's the basis of respect in an office setting. If I don't get it when I give it, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Here are a couple situations where I have been left in awe and irritation.

1.) I get to the interview 15 minutes early. I have to wait an hour for you to interview me. Bonus: You act like its okay how my times has been wasted.

2.) I'm sitting in the room where I'm interviewing. You bring in a full-course meal and eat it in front of my face.

3.) I am in the middle of answering an interview question. Instead of giving your undivided attention, you feel the need to check your email, take a phone call or even worse, nod for no reason.

Trust me, I understand. Every field is different, sometimes things happen. Maybe you need to eat or answer an email. Some industries are more demanding. I get it.

But sometimes an explanation or apology can go far. You are representing your company. I don't want to work for an unprofessional company, because your reputation can rub off on me. Remember, guilt by association? Just as much as employers would like their interviewees to take their opportunity seriously, we expect the same. 

People, I beg you. Please be professional. Respect each others time. You never know what you've lost or gained by presenting yourself in the wrong light.

"But alas, it's just another manic Monday
I wish it were Sunday
'Cause that's my fun day
My I don't have to run day
It's just another manic Monday"

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