Black Gingers: We're Not Unicorns

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

If you've ever wondered what it's like to be a redhead, I have to say it's one of the most beautiful things about me. It's something that people damaged their hair over and over again to get. If you've ever wondered what it's like to have freckles, I'd say that it's great to cover up small breakouts and it I'm bored, I can find the backwards number two on my lower left cheek. If you've ever wondered what it's like to be a black ginger, I'd tell you that it has to be one of the most confusing things about me because we're so rare. But we're not unicorns.

I came to terms a long time ago that I was different than most kids, but the Huffington Post article about MC1R in people of color reawakened my thoughts about things that I tried to come to terms with long ago.

A.) That I am a beautiful human being. I was not meant to look like everyone else. I am unique in my own right. Red hair, freckles and everything that makes a ginger can or will be envied. I should never compromise who I am or what I look like to fit into societies mold.

B.) People will not understand why I look the way that I look. The assumption is that I have a white parent or that I'm mixed with 50% something else. Why does even matter? I'm just a human being with the same blood that's running through your veins. I won't be accepted by the people I call my own and I have to fight to find my place. And even if they truly understand where I am from, they will make up stories just so they can feel comfortable about the role I play in their life.

Even with all of that, I love who I am. #TeamGinger

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