Ninety Days of Summer

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

My life is a revolving door of routine.

At 8:15am, my alarm clock whispers sweet nothings into my ear to remind me that I have to make a living. I slowly pull off my eye mask and the sun stings my retinas as I try to get my body to realize that it is time for me to start the day. Shortly thereafter, I stop my alarm with my fingerprint, roll of out bed and rush to the bathroom.

As I walk out the bathroom, I wonder if I've lost any weight from the day before as I'm currently on a healthy lifestyle change. I hesitantly stand on the scale and wait for my answer. Either the scale says that I've gained weight or I've lost. It's just that uneventful but it can set the precedent for the rest of my morning.

For breakfast, I tend to eat eggs, cereal, or a smoothie. This particular morning, just oatmeal and a hot coffee with soy creamer. I go to my little corner and eat my food while checking my social media and thinking about what I need to do at work. Sometimes I think about my dreams or ideas that I'd like to act on. Anything that wake my brain up. At this point, it's 8:43pm and I'm nowhere near awake.

But what does? Makeup. You cannot paint your face brain dead. You're just asking to look like Mimi Bobeck. It's true. A little mascara, eyeliner. Fill in those brows. And to bring my head together: two side swoops and a high ponytail. Earrings are usually the ones I wore before. I finish my look off with Chapstick.

I throw on the nearest dress because matching two items of clothing can be hard (or it's just pure laziness). I put on my slip-on shoes and think about how this makes me look weird, but I'm fine with it. I like weird. I grab my bright green-bowed purse, throw it over my shoulder. Slide on my glasses, grab my keys from the bowl by the door and start to head out.

You guessed it, my brain is finally warmed up and I remember my lunch. I go to the fridge, grab my selection for the day and run to the train.

This is my morning.

I could go into the rest of my boring, hamster-wheel day. But the fact of the matter is...

For a 24-year old woman living in one of the greatest cities on this planet, I'm actually extremely boring. Why? I'm so fixated on my success that I forget to do the most vital thing to my success, live.  We all know those people. They never do anything fun because they want to be successful and reach their goals. In reality, your goals are always there. The goals never go away. If you constantly work, you'll reach the end. The constant is time. Time comes and goes. But it can never be rushed.

I've come to realize that "Impatience" is my middle name. I've always been told that if you work hard enough, everything that you want will be presented to you. I can confirm that to be true. I've never strayed away from hard work and never found it intimidating. Challenges are just opportunities. I invite the learning process from each experience I have. My challenges and opportunities for growth aren't coming fast enough... Why? Because the constant is time. Time comes and goes. But it can never be rushed.

With all this being said, I'm making it my point to LIVE! And yes, living cost money. And I don't have money. But the beauty of my situation is that I have my transportation paid for. All I need it to seek out the fun. And that brings me to my blog post, Ninety Days of Summer.

For the next 90 days, I'm going to document myself enjoying my summer in the city. It will be kind of a photo collage. I'll highlight my favorite moments and what they meant for me. As much as I'm excited to share my life you guys, I think it will be therapeutic for me. Feel free to follow and even share photos with me. I'm ready for this wild ride.

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